Separate username and password lookup

auth.plain_separate module implements authentication using username:password pairs but can use zero or more "table modules" (maddy-tables(5)) and one or more authentication providers to verify credentials.

auth.plain_separate {
    user ...
    user ...
    pass ...
    pass ...

How it works: - Initial username input is normalized using PRECIS UsernameCaseMapped profile. - Each table specified with the 'user' directive looked up using normalized username. If match is not found in any table, authentication fails. - Each authentication provider specified with the 'pass' directive is tried. If authentication with all providers fails - an error is returned.

Configuration directives

user table-module

Configuration block for any module from maddy-tables(5) can be used here.


user file /etc/maddy/allowed_users

pass auth-provider

Configuration block for any auth. provider module can be used here, even 'plain_split' itself.

The used auth. provider must provide username:password pair-based authentication.